Importance of Pre & Post Natal


Prenatal workout refers to exercises and physical activities specifically designed for pregnant women. These workouts are intended to help pregnant women to stay fit, maintain a healthy weight, and improve overall well-being during pregnancy.

Prenatal workouts typically focus on low-impact exercises that are safe for both the mother and the developing baby. They take into account the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy, such as increased weight, changes in balance, and hormonal fluctuations.

Prenatal workouts offer numerous benefits for both the pregnant women and the developing baby.


Enhanced Mood and Mental Health: Regular exercise is known to release endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. Prenatal workouts can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression during pregnancy, promoting overall well-being.
Better Sleep: Physical activity can contribute to better sleep quality, which is often disrupted during pregnancy due to hormonal changes and discomfort. Improved sleep can lead to increased energy levels and better coping abilities.
Preparation for labour and childbirth: Prenatal workouts often incorporate exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This can help improve control and support during labor and aid in postpartum recovery.
Reduced pregnancy discomforts: Many pregnant women experience discomforts such as backaches, swollen ankles, and constipation. Prenatal workouts can help reduce these discomforts by improving circulation, maintaining flexibility, and strengthening muscles. Gentle exercises and stretches can also ease common pregnancy ailments.

Types of exercises that can be performed during prenatal workouts:

Stretching and flexibility exercises: Gentle stretching exercises can help improve flexibility, relieve muscle tension, and reduce the risk of cramping. Stretching the calves, hamstrings, hip flexors, and chest muscles can be beneficial.
Pelvic floor exercises: Also known as Kegel exercises, these exercises target the pelvic floor muscles. Strengthening these muscles can help prevent or reduce urinary incontinence, support the growing uterus, and potentially facilitate labour and recovery.
Prenatal yoga: Yoga poses and stretching exercises specifically tailored for pregnant women. Prenatal yoga can help improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, promote relaxation, and prepare the body for childbirth. It also emphasises proper breathing techniques and mindfulness.


Postnatal workout refers to exercises and physical activities specifically designed for women after giving birth. These workouts focus on gradually rebuilding strength, flexibility, and stamina, while also addressing the physical changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth.

Importance of post natal workout after giving birth:

Stress reduction: Postnatal workouts can serve as a stress-relieving activity and provide a sense of accomplishment, helping to manage the stresses associated with motherhood.
Enhancing overall fitness: Postnatal exercises gradually rebuild cardiovascular endurance and muscle strength, helping new mothers regain their pre-pregnancy fitness levels and energy.
Improved self-confidence: Engaging in postnatal workouts and witnessing physical progress can boost self-esteem and body confidence. It can help women feel more comfortable and positive about their changing bodies, fostering a healthy body image.

Types of exercises that can be performed during prenatal workouts

Core-strengthening exercises: Gentle abdominal exercises to rebuild core strength, such as pelvic tilts, gentle crunches, and leg slides.
Postnatal yoga and Pilates: These exercises can help improve flexibility, core strength, and overall well-being.
Full-body strength training: Gradually incorporating resistance exercises to target major muscle groups and increase overall body strength.


Always consult with your doctor or midwife before starting any postnatal exercise program. Make sure your abdominal muscles have healed before you do any vigorous tummy exercises, such as crunches.

Don’t be too hard on yourself if your exercise plans go away – you’ll get more time to yourself as your baby settles into a predictable routine.

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